Powered Turntable
  • The Powered Turntable is used when two parallel conveyor lines must be close together with a 180° turn at one (or both) ends. The turning radius is held to a minimum, less than would be available with gravity or powered curve sections. Turntable Plow and Guard Rails insure product safety while negotiating 180° turn. Unit is reversible and all bearings are sealed. Table top mean speed is 90 FPM.

    Motor – 1⁄2 HP 230/460V-3-60 TE motor.

    Capacity – 500 lbs. total distributed load – maximum unit load – 150 lbs.

    Adjustment – 28″ to 40″ adjustable top of table.

  • The Powered Turntable is used when two parallel conveyor lines must be close together with a 180° turn at one (or both) ends. The turning radius is held to a minimum, less than would be available with gravity or powered curve sections. Turntable Plow and Guard Rail ensure product safety while negotiating 180° turn. Unit is reversible and all bearings are sealed. Table top mean speed is 90 FPM.

    Motor – 1 ⁄2 HP 230/460V-3-60 TE motor.

    Capacity – 500 lbs. total distributed load – maximum unit load – 150 lbs.

    Adjustment – 28″ to 40″ adjustable top of table.